Fish stew
By Chef Julio Torralba Valero
4 Qt Saladmaster Titanium Pot

- 600 g sliced fish (monkfish, hake…)
- Fish bones
- 1 potato
- 1 shredded ripe tomato
- 1 chili or black pepper
- 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika
- Chopped parsley and garlic
- Salt
- 8 prawns
- Low sodium fish stock or water
- Optional grated almond (75 g)
- Prepare the 4 Qt Saladmaster Titanium Pot
- Add to the cold pot the chopped potato in cubes of about 2 cm
- Add the grated tomato
- Add a teaspoon of sweet paprika
- Stir well
- Include a chilli or black pepper
- Add salt to taste
- Incorporate the fish
- Cover half of unit with broth or water
- Season with garlic and chopped parsley
- Add the prawns
- Cover up
- Set the temperature to medium power
- When you click continuously, lower the power to the minimum
- Cook for 15 minutes
- Serve hot
- Grated almonds can also be added when parsley is added to give more consistency to the final broth