Tuning up of Saladmaster
You have received your new Saladmaster pots and pans, what comes first?
Congratulations and thanks for the trust in Saladmaster, you have made the decision to cook with Saladmaster and there is no better investment to cook enjoying the flavors, nutrients and above all not contaminate your food.
The best thing you can do right now is to remove traditional cooking utensils and cook only with Saladmaster whether you have one, two or many pieces, the important thing is to stop using traditional utensils and use only your new Saladmaster.
You will have already been told how to make the tuning of your pots (or pans) however we are going to do a review so that you do not forget anything and you can start cooking and enjoy from now.
First of all, remember that you will need a bottle of vinegar, dishwasher, a scourer that do not grate and recommended cloths to dry (of which do not leave traces).
You have everything ready, take the pot out of its packaging, remove the plastics and the box, grab the handles and approach the sink.
In the same pot, add 1 liter of water, a glass of vinegar and a few drops of dishwasher, add a glass of vinegar for each liter of water used, if we have a single pot, with this amount will be enough, if we have several, better add 2 liters and two glasses of vinegar to be able to treat them all.
We introduce the scourer into the mixture, and we are going to clean with this all the surface of the pot, very important to do it both inside and out, not leaving a bit without having cleaned, With this procedure we are removing the paraffin film with which the pots and pans come out for their factory protection.
Once we have cleaned all proceed to clean in the same way the lids, very important to release the handle of the lid, to clean also under its surface (when we reassemble it, keep in mind not to tighten it, simply screw it without pressure, otherwise with the dilations and contractions of the metal by the temperature can be split).
The handles will also be cleaned in the same way as the rest of the parts.
Once we have everything thoroughly brushed with the scourer and the mixture of vinegar and water, we will proceed to rinse with plenty of water each of the parts, and after rinsing the optimal thing is to dry them with the cloths that leave no remains (This type of cloth is for sale in all supermarkets).
From this moment on, your Saladmaster Pots are ready to be used for the rest of your life.
This cleaning or tuning, only done before its first use, from the moment it has been done cleaning will be the usual for kitchen utensils, can be put in the dishwasher, or washed manually, A splash of vinegar is recommended before the last rinse that will eliminate the deposits of salts that give a whitish color and drying them to always maintain the finish and appearance of the first day.
Do not give them a special use, they are not an object that needs pampering, there are users who use the hand mixer directly inside, and this will not affect its composition, the titanium layer will remain intact offering the best flavors regardless of how it is used.
![Precalentar unidad Saladmaster](https://elipsu.com/wp-content/uploads/Captura-de-pantalla-2020-08-27-a-las-13.20.08.png)
Remember that the key to the daily use of Saladmaster is the temperature, you will never use the maximum power, it will always start from an average power, until you hear the click intensely, at which time you will have to go down to minimum power, which will be cooking the food at low temperature maintaining its nutrients and enhancing the flavor.
Finally leave here the link to the Saladmaster support page from which you can access much more information and the link to customers’ recipes, which we invite you to join, By sending your recipes we will include them in the recipe book with your name and the photo you send.